SSH Enumeration
What Does SSH Stands For ?
Secure Shell
, is a service that helps us to access machines remotely in a very secure way. Secure way in the sense, this connection encrypts communication by using strong crypto-graphic algorithms, So that there is no way to perform a MITM attack. In a company, Whenever the Network Administrator wants to access any of thier machines SSH would be thier first choice (via putty)
provides both password and public key-based authentication !
You can identify open ports and services by using nmap
Connect Remote Machine Using SSH ?
You can connect remote machine by providing inputs username and hostname in below format. For successful connection, correct password need to be provided.
You can also connect directly providing remote IP. You will get "Connection refused" if ssh service not open.
User Enumeration Via Metasploit ?
Metasploit Framework is preinstalled on Kali Linux
. You can run framework by using below command
Bruteforce Username or Password ?
Once ssh port is open, use seclists
wordlist to bruteforce username and password.
Many scripts are available to enumerate ssh. You can display all available scripts by using below command.
While pentesting a box or an application, we get to see port 22
is open
. The first thing that should strike us is :
Last updated