API Security
OWASP - Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a non-profit and collaborative online community that aims to improve application security via a set of security principles, articles, documentation etc. Back in 2019, OWASP released a list of the top 10 API vulnerabilities, which will be discussed in detail, along with its potential impact and a few effective mitigation measures.
We have split this room into two parts. In Part 1, you will study the top 5 principles, and in Part 2, you will learn the remaining principles.Learning Objectives
Best practices for API authorisation & authentication.
Identification of authorisation level issues.
Handling excessive data exposure.
Lack of resources and rate-limiting issues.
Learning Pre-requisites An understanding of the following topics is recommended before starting the room:
Connecting to the Machine We will be using Windows as a development/test machine along with Talend API Tester - free edition throughout the room with the following credentials:
Machine IP:
You can start the virtual machine by clicking Start Machine
. The machine will start in a split-screen view. In case the VM is not visible, use the blue Show Split View button at the top-right of the page. Alternatively, you can connect with the VM through Remote Desktop using the above credentials. Please wait 1-2 minutes after the system boots completely to let the auto scripts run successfully that will execute Talend API Tester and Laravel-based web application automatically.
Understanding APIs - A refresher
What is an API & Why is it important?
API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a middleware that facilitates the communication of two software components utilising a set of protocols and definitions. In the API context, the term 'application' refers to any software having specific functionality, and 'interface' refers to the service contract between two apps that make communication possible via requests and responses. The API documentation contains all the information on how developers have structured those responses and requests. The significance of APIs to app development is in just a single sentence, i.e., API is a building block for developing complex and enterprise-level applications.
Recent Data Breaches through APIs
LinkedIn data breach: In June 2021, the data of over 700 million LinkedIn users were offered for sale on one of the dark web forums, which was scraped by exploiting the LinkedIn API. The hacker published a sample of 1 million records to confirm the legitimacy of the LinkedIn breach, containing full names of the users, email addresses, phone numbers, geolocation records, LinkedIn profile links, work experience information, and other social media account details.
Twitter data breach: In June 2022, data of more than 5.4 Million Twitter users was released for sale on the dark web. Hackers conducted the breach by exploiting a zero-day in the Twitter API that showed Twitter's handle against a mobile number or email.
PIXLR data breach: In January 2021, PIXLR, an online photo editor app, suffered a data breach that impacted around 1.9 million users. All the data by the hackers was dumped on a dark web forum, which included usernames, email addresses, countries, and hashed passwords.
Now that we understand the threat and the damage caused due to non-adherence to mitigation measures - let's discuss developing a secure API through OWASP API Security Top 10 principles.
Vulnerability I - Broken Object Level Authorisation (BOLA)
How does it Happen?
Generally, API endpoints are utilised for a common practice of retrieving and manipulating data through object identifiers. BOLA refers to Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) - which creates a scenario where the user uses the input functionality and gets access to the resources they are not authorised to access. In an API, such controls are usually implemented through programming in Models (Model-View-Controller Architecture) at the code level.
Likely Impact
The absence of controls to prevent unauthorised object access can lead to data leakage and, in some cases, complete account takeover. User's or subscribers' data in the database plays a critical role in an organisation's brand reputation; if such data is leaked over the internet, that may result in substantial financial loss.
Practical Example
Open the VM. You will find that the Chrome browser and Talend API Tester application are running automatically, which we will be using for debugging the API endpoints.
Bob is working as an API developer in
Company MHT
and developed an endpoint/apirule1/users/{ID}
that will allow other applications or developers to request information by sending an employee ID. In the VM, you can request results by sendingGET
requests tohttp://localhost:80/MHT/apirule1_v/user/1.
What is the issue with the above API call? The problem is that the endpoint is not validating any incoming API call to confirm whether the request is valid. It is not checking for any authorisation whether the person requesting the API call can ask for it or not.
The solution for this problem is pretty simple; Bob will implement an authorisation mechanism through which he can identify who can make API calls to access employee ID information.
The purpose is achieved through access tokens or authorisation tokens in the header. In the above example, Bob will add an authorisation token so that only headers with valid authorisation tokens can make a call to this endpoint.
In the VM, if you add a valid
and callhttp://localhost:80/MHT/apirule1_s/user/1
, only then will you be able to get the correct results. Moreover, all API calls with an invalid token will show403 Forbidden
an error message (as shown below).
Mitigation Measures
An authorisation mechanism that relies on user policies and hierarchies should be adequately implemented.
Strict access controls methods to check if the logged-in user is authorised to perform specific actions.
Promote using completely random values (strong encryption and decryption mechanism) for nearly impossible-to-predict tokens.
Vulnerability II - Broken User Authentication (BUA)
How does it happen?User authentication is the core aspect of developing any application containing sensitive data. Broken User Authentication (BUA) reflects a scenario where an API endpoint allows an attacker to access a database or acquire a higher privilege than the existing one. The primary reason behind BUA is either invalid implementation of authentication like using incorrect email/password queries etc., or the absence of security mechanisms like authorisation headers, tokens etc.Consider a scenario in which an attacker acquires the capability to abuse an authentication API; it will eventually result in data leaks, deletion, modification, or even the complete account takeover by the attacker. Usually, hackers have created special scripts to profile, enumerate users on a system and identify authentication endpoints. A poorly implemented authentication system can lead any user to take on another user's identity. Likely Impact In broken user authentication, attackers can compromise the authenticated session or the authentication mechanism and easily access sensitive data. Malicious actors can pretend to be someone authorised and can conduct an undesired activity, including a complete account takeover. Practical Example
Continue to use the Chrome browser and Talend API Tester for debugging in the VM.
Bob understands that authentication is critical and has been tasked to develop an API endpoint
that will authenticate based on provided email and password.The endpoint will return a token, which will be passed as an
header (GET request) toapirule2/user/details
to show details of the specific employee. Bob successfully developed the login endpoint; however, he only used email to validate the user from theuser table
and ignored the password field in the SQL query. An attacker only requires the victim's email address to get a valid token or account takeover.In the VM, you can test this by sending a
request tohttp://localhost:80/MHT/apirule2/user/login_v
with email and password in the form parameters.
As we can see, the vulnerable endpoint received a token which can be forwarded to
to get detail of a user.To fix this, we will update the login query logic and use both email and password for validation. The endpoint
is a valid endpoint, as shown below, that authorises the user based on password and email both.
Mitigation Measures
Ensure complex passwords with higher entropy for end users.
Do not expose sensitive credentials in GET or POST requests.
Enable strong JSON Web Tokens (JWT), authorisation headers etc.
Ensure the implementation of multifactor authentication (where possible), account lockout, or a captcha system to mitigate brute force against particular users.
Ensure that passwords are not saved in plain text in the database to avoid further account takeover by the attacker.
Vulnerability III - Excessive Data Exposure
How does it happen?Excessive data exposure occurs when applications tend to disclose more than desired information to the user through an API response. The application developers tend to expose all object properties (considering the generic implementations) without considering their sensitivity level. They leave the filtration task to the front-end developer before it is displayed to the user. Consequently, an attacker can intercept the response through the API and quickly extract the desired confidential data. The runtime detection tools or the general security scanning tools can give an alert on this kind of vulnerability. However, it cannot differentiate between legitimate data that is supposed to be returned or sensitive data. Likely Impact A malicious actor can successfully sniff the traffic and easily access confidential data, including personal details, such as account numbers, phone numbers, access tokens and much more. Typically, APIs respond with sensitive tokens that can be later on used to make calls to other critical endpoints. Practical Example
Continue to use the Chrome browser and Talend API Tester for debugging in the VM.
The company MHT launched a comment-based web portal that takes users' comments and stores them in the database and other information like location, device info, etc., to improve the user experience.
Bob was tasked to develop an endpoint for showing users' comments on the company's main website. He developed an endpoint
that fetches all information available for a comment from the database. Bob assumed that the front-end developer would filter out information while showing it on the company's main website.
What is the issue here? The API is sending more data than desired. Instead of relying on a front-end engineer to filter out data, only relevant data must be sent from the database.
Bob realising his mistake, updated the endpoint and created a valid endpoint
that returns only the necessary information to the developer (as shown below).
Mitigation Measures
Never leave sensitive data filtration tasks to the front-end developer.
Ensure time-to-time review of the response from the API to guarantee it returns only legitimate data and checks if it poses any security issue.
Avoid using generic methods such as
to_string() and to_json()
.Use API endpoint testing through various test cases and verify through automated and manual tests if the API leaks additional data.
Vulnerability IV - Lack of Resources & Rate Limiting
How does it happen?Lack of resources and rate limiting means that APIs do not enforce any restriction on the frequency of clients' requested resources or the files' size, which badly affects the API server performance and leads to the DoS (Denial of Service) or non-availability of service. Consider a scenario where an API limit is not enforced, thus allowing a user (usually an intruder) to upload several GB files simultaneously or make any number of requests per second. Such API endpoints will result in excessive resource utilisation in network, storage, compute etc.
Nowadays, attackers are using such attacks to ensure the non-availability of service for an organisation, thus tarnishing the brand reputation through increased downtime. A simple example is non-compliance with the Captcha system on the login form, allowing anyone to make numerous queries to the database through a small script written in Python.
Likely Impact The attack primarily targets the Availability principles of security; however, it can tarnish the brand's reputation and cause financial loss. Practical Example
Continue to use the Chrome browser and Talend API Tester for debugging in the VM.
The company MHT purchased an email marketing plan (20K emails per month) for sending marketing, password recovery emails etc. Bob realised that he had successfully developed a login API, but there must be a "Forgot Password" option that can be used to recover an account.
He started building an endpoint
that will send a 4-digit numeric code to the user's email address. An authenticated user will use that One Time Password (OTP) to recover the account.
What is the issue here? Bob has not enabled any rate limiting in the endpoint. A malicious actor can write a small script and brute force the endpoint, sending many emails in a few seconds and using the company's recently purchased email marketing plan (financial loss).
Finally, Bob came up with an intelligent solution
and enabled rate limiting such that the user has to wait 2 minutes to request an OTP token again.
Mitigation Measures
Ensure using a captcha to avoid requests from automated scripts and bots.
Ensure implementation of a limit, i.e., how often a client can call an API within a specified time and notify instantly when the limit is exceeded.
Ensure to define the maximum data size on all parameters and payloads, i.e., max string length and max number of array elements.
Vulnerability V - Broken Function Level Authorisation
How does it happen?Broken Function Level Authorisation reflects a scenario where a low privileged user (e.g., sales) bypasses system checks and gets access to confidential data by impersonating a high privileged user (Admin). Consider a scenario of complex access control policies with various hierarchies, roles, and groups and a vague separation between regular and administrative functions leading to severe authorisation flaws. By taking advantage of these issues, the intruders can easily access the unauthorised resources of another user or, most dangerously – the administrative functions. Broken Function Level Authorisation reflects IDOR permission, where a user, most probably an intruder, can perform administrative-level tasks. APIs with complex user roles and permissions that can span the hierarchy are more prone to this attack. Likely Impact The attack primarily targets the authorisation and non-repudiation principles of security. Broken Functional Level Authorisation can lead an intruder to impersonate an authorised user and let the malicious actor get administrative rights to perform sensitive tasks. Practical Example
Continue to use the Chrome browser and Talend API Tester for debugging in the VM.
Bob has been assigned another task to develop an admin dashboard for company executives so that they can view all employee's data and perform specific tasks.
Bob developed an endpoint
to fetch data of all employees from the database. To add protection, he added another layer to security by adding a special headerisAdmin
in each request. The API only fetches employee information from the database ifisAdmin=1
are correct. The authorisation token for HR user Alice isYWxpY2U6dGVzdCFAISM6Nzg5Nzg=
We can see that Alice is a non-admin user (HR) but can see all employee's data by setting custom requests to the endpoint with
isAdmin value = 1
.The issue can be resolved programmatically by implementing correct authorisation rules and checking the functional roles of each user in the database during the query. Bob implemented another endpoint
that validates each user's role and only shows employees' data if the role is Admin.
Mitigation Measures
Ensure proper design and testing of all authorisation systems and deny all access by default.
Ensure that the operations are only allowed to the users belonging to the authorised group.
Make sure to review API endpoints against flaws regarding functional level authorisation and keep in mind the apps and group hierarchy's business logic.
Vulnerability VI - Mass Assignment
How does it happen?Mass assignment reflects a scenario where client-side data is automatically bound with server-side objects or class variables. However, hackers exploit the feature by first understanding the application's business logic and sending specially crafted data to the server, acquiring administrative access or inserting tampered data. This functionality is widely exploited in the latest frameworks like Laravel, Code Ignitor etc. Consider a user's profiles dashboard where users can update their profile like associated email, name, address etc. The username of the user is a read-only attribute and cannot be changed; however, a malicious actor can edit the username and submit the form. If necessary filtration is not enabled on the server side (model), it will simply insert/update the data in the database. Likely Impact The attack may result in data tampering and privilege escalation from a regular user to an administrator. Practical Example
Open the VM. You will find that the Chrome browser and Talend API Tester application are running automatically, which we will be using for debugging the API endpoints.
Bob has been assigned to develop a signup API endpoint
that will take a name, username and password as input parameters (POST). The user's table has acredit column
with a default value of50
. Users will upgrade their membership to have a larger credit value.Bob has successfully designed the form and used the mass assignment feature in Laravel to store all the incoming data from the client side to the database (as shown below).
What is the problem here? Bob is not doing any filtering on the server side. Since using the mass assignment feature, he is also inserting credit values in the database (malicious actors can update that value).
The solution to the problem is pretty simple. Bob must ensure necessary filtering on the server side (
) and ensure that the default value of credit should be inserted as50
, even if more than 50 is received from the client side (as shown below).
Mitigation Measures
Before using any framework, one must study how the backend insertions and updates are carried out. In the Laravel framework, fillable and guarded arrays mitigate the above-mentioned scenarios.
Avoid using functions that bind an input from a client to code variables automatically.
Allowlist those properties only that need to get updated from the client side.
Vulnerability VII - Security Misconfiguration
How does it happen?Security misconfiguration depicts an implementation of incorrect and poorly configured security controls that put the security of the whole API at stake. Several factors can result in security misconfiguration, including improper/incomplete default configuration, publically accessible cloud storage, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), and error messages displayed with sensitive data. Intruders can take advantage of these misconfigurations to perform detailed reconnaissance and get unauthorised access to the system. Security misconfigurations are usually detected by vulnerability scanners or auditing tools and thus can be curtailed at the initial level. API documentation, a list of endpoints, error logs etc., must not be publically accessible to ensure safety against security misconfigurations. Typically, companies deploy security controls like web application firewalls, which are not configured to block undesired requests and attacks. Likely Impact Security misconfiguration can give intruders complete knowledge of API components. Firstly, it allows intruders to bypass security mechanisms. Stack trace or other detailed errors can provide the malicious actor access to confidential data and essential system details, further aiding the intruder in profiling the system and gaining entry. Practical Example
Continue to use the Chrome browser and Talend API Tester for debugging in the VM.
The company MHT is facing serious server availability issues. Therefore, they assigned Bob to develop an API endpoint
(GET) that will share details regarding server health and status.Bob successfully designed the endpoint; however, he forgot to implement any error handling to avoid any information leakage.
What is the issue here? In case of an unsuccessful call, the server sends a complete stack trace in response, containing function names, controller and route information, file path etc. An attacker can use the information for profiling and preparing specific attacks on the environment.
The solution to the issue is pretty simple. Bob will create an API endpoint
that will carry out error handling and only share desired information with the user (as shown below).
Mitigation Measures
Limit access to the administrative interfaces for authorised users and disable them for other users.
Disable default usernames and passwords for public-facing devices (routers, Web Application Firewall etc.).
Disable directory listing and set proper permissions for every file and folder.
Remove unnecessary pieces of code snippets, error logs etc. and turn off debugging while the code is in production.
Vulnerability VIII - Injection
How does it happen?Injection attacks are probably among the oldest API/web-based attacks and are still being carried out by hackers on real-world applications. Injection flaws occur when user input is not filtered and is directly processed by an API; thus enabling the attacker to perform unintended API actions without authorisation. An injection may come from Structure Query Language (SQL), operating system (OS) commands, Extensible Markup Language (XML) etc. Nowadays, frameworks offer functionality to protect against this attack through automatic sanitisation of data; however, applications built in custom frameworks like core PHP are still susceptible to such attacks. Likely Impact Injection flaws may lead to information disclosure, data loss, DoS, and complete account takeover. The successful injection attacks may also cause the intruders to access the sensitive data or even create new functionality and perform remote code execution. Practical Example
Continue to use the Chrome browser and Talend API Tester for debugging in the VM.
A few users of company MHT reported that their account password had changed, and they could not further log in to their original account. Consequently, the dev team found that Bob had developed a vulnerable login API endpoint
that is not filtering user input.A malicious attacker requires the username of the target, and for the password, they can use the payload
' OR 1=1--'
and get an authorisation key for any account (as shown below).
Bob immediately realised his mistake; he updated the API endpoint to
and used parameterised queries and built-in filters of Laravel to sanitise user input.As a result, all malicious payloads on username and password parameters were effectively mitigated (as shown below)
Mitigation Measures
Ensure to use a well-known library for client-side input validation.
If a framework is not used, all client-provided data must be validated first and then filtered and sanitised.
Add necessary security rules to the Web Application Firewall (WAF). Most of the time, injection flaws can be mitigated at the network level.
Make use of built-in filters in frameworks like Laravel, Code Ignitor etc., to validate and filter data.
Vulnerability IX - Improper Assets Management
How does it happen?Inappropriate Asset Management refers to a scenario where we have two versions of an API available in our system; let's name them APIv1 and APIv2. Everything is wholly switched to APIv2, but the previous version, APIv1, has not been deleted yet. Considering this, one might easily guess that the older version of the API, i.e., APIv1, doesn't have the updated or the latest security features. Plenty of other obsolete features of APIv1 make it possible to find vulnerable scenarios, which may lead to data leakage and server takeover via a shared database amongst API versions.It is essentially about not properly tracking API endpoints. The potential reasons could be incomplete API documentation or absence of compliance with the Software Development Life Cycle. A properly maintained, up-to-date API inventory and proper documentation are more critical than hardware-based security control for an organisation. Likely Impact The older or the unpatched API versions can allow the intruders to get unauthorised access to confidential data or even complete control of the system. Practical Example
Continue to use the Chrome browser and Talend API Tester for debugging in the VM.
During API development, the company MHT has developed different API versions like v1 and v2. The company ensured to use the latest versions and API calls but forgot to remove the old version from the server.
Consequently, it was found that old API calls like
return more information like balance, address etc., against the user (as shown below).
Bob being the developer of the endpoint, realised that he must immediately deactivate old and unused assets so that users can only access limited and desired information from the new endpoint
(as shown below)
Mitigation Measures
Access to previously developed sensitive and deprecated API calls must be blocked at the network level.
APIs developed for R&D, QA, production etc., must be segregated and hosted on separate servers.
Ensure documentation of all API aspects, including authentication, redirects, errors, CORS policy, and rate limiting.
Adopt open standards to generate documentation automatically.
Vulnerability X - Insufficient Logging & Monitoring
How does it happen?Insufficient logging & monitoring reflects a scenario when an attacker conducts malicious activity on your server; however, when you try to track the hacker, there is not enough evidence available due to the absence of logging and monitoring mechanisms. Several organisations only focus on infrastructure logging like network events or server logging but lack API logging and monitoring. Information like the visitor's IP address, endpoints accessed, input data etc., along with a timestamp, enables the identification of threat attack patterns. If logging mechanisms are not in place, it would be challenging to identify the attacker and their details. Nowadays, the latest web frameworks can automatically log requests at different levels like error, debug, info etc. These errors can be logged in a database or file or even passed to a SIEM solution for detailed analysis. Likely Impact Inability to identify attacker or hacker behind the attack. Practical Example
Continue to use the Chrome browser and Talend API Tester for debugging in the VM.
In the past, the company MHT has been susceptible to multiple attacks, and the exact culprit behind the attacks could not be identified. Therefore, Bob was assigned to make an API endpoint
(GET) that will log users' metadata (IP address, browser version etc.) and save it in the database as well (as shown below).
Later, it was also decided that the same would be forwarded to a SIEM solution for correlation and analysis.
Mitigation Measures
Ensure use of the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system for log management.
Keep track of all denied accesses, failed authentication attempts, and input validation errors, using a format imported by SIEM and enough detail to identify the intruder.
Handle logs as sensitive data and ensure their integrity at rest and transit. Moreover, implement custom alerts to detect suspicious activities as well.
Last updated