Brooklynn 99
FTP Anon - Stegnography - Password Cracking - GTFObins
1st Method
There were 3 ports open -
, and80
FTP anonymous access was allowed - checked ftp server - found
The text file revealed a user called jake and told his password was too weak - Ran hydra on ssh with the user jake and rockyou.txt
Found the ssh password and got a shell !
2nd Method
Enumerating port 80 - had a comment in its source code saying
Immediately downloaded the
- Ran steghide --extract -sf brooklynn99.jpgAsked for a passphrase - Ran stegcracker / stegseek to bruteforce the password - Found !
Extracted the jpg using steghide - Gave us the user Holts ssh password - Got a shell
Privilege Escalation
1st method user will have a binary running as root -
2nd method user will have a binary running as root -
For Both of them you know what to do !
Last updated