In Powershell, Get-Help, Get-Command, Get-Alias
are the most handful commands to ever exist
Get-Alias Get-Help Get-Command
Aliases are the shorthand notes for the commandlets, it lets to identify the correct commandlet of the specified alias
Provides help of the specified commandlet, if -Examples
is specified the usage examples are also provided
Copy Get-Help Get-ChildItem
Get-Help Get-ChildItem -Examples
help Get-Process
Lists the available commandlets with the sepecified noun and verb
Copy Get-Command "Get-*"
Get-Command "*-Service"
Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet -Name out*
Copy 3 + 3
3 * 4
4 - 3
"Hello" + " World"
"Hello" + 3
3 + "Hello" - Gives Error, as operations in powershell is carried out by priortizing the the left most variable's data type. In this case it tried to convert the "Hello" string into integer but failed !
Copy $a = 10
$b = 10
$result = $a + $b
echo $result
$a *= 4 // $a = $a * 4
Copy 3 -eq 4
3 -ne 4
3 -le 4
"Hello powershell" -match "power"
"Hello powershell" -replace "power","shark"
1 -in (1,2,3)
Copy Get-Location > C:\Temp\loc.txt
Get-Location >> C:\Temp\loc.txt
Get-Process none,explorer 2>&1
Copy (1 -le 3) -and (1 -ge 0) = True
(1 -le 3) -or (1 -ge 2) = True
(1 -eq 1) -xor (2 -eq 2) = False
"Welcome to my home" -split " "
"Wel","Please" -join "come",""
3 -is "int"
"3" -is "string"
0x12 -is "int"
0x12 -is "string"
Copy $value = "string" + 1
$str1 = "akash"
$str2 = 'akash'
"another string: $str1" - returns akash
'another string: $str2' - returns $str2
Copy $a = 3.2 + 3
$a.GetType() - Returns Double
[int]$a = 3.2 + 3
$a.GetType() - Returns Int32
Copy $result = Get-ChildItem
$result.GetType() - Returns Object[]
$array = 1,2,3,4,5
Copy if (1 -ge 0) {"One"} else {"Something"}
if (1 -ge 3) {"One"} else {"Something"}
if ( ((Get-Process).HandleCount) -ge 40) {"Many processes"} else {"OK"}
Many processes
Copy switch (1) { 1 {"one"} 2 {"two"} default {"Default"}}
switch (3) { 1 {"one"} 2 {"two"} default {"Default"}}
Copy $count = 3
while ($count -ge 0)
"Iteration $count"
Copy $process = Get-Process
foreach ($i in $process) {
Copy Get-Process | ForEach-Object {$}
Get-ChildItem C:\test | Where-Object ($ -match "txt"}