Attacktive Directory

AS-REP Roasting - SMB Enumeration - Dumping Secrets


Starting off with the scan

The Top Level Domain Name is spookysec.local and we see a bunch of services - DNS, IIS, Kerberos, RPC, netbios etc

Let's start enumerating port 139 & 445 :)

Found Domain Name - THM-AD

Tried accessing some shares via anonymous login - Failed, This challenge provides us with a set of username and passwords so let's utilize that for our further move :)

We will be bruteforcing the DC using kerbrute to find valid users

$ kerbrute userenum --dc <IP> -d spookysec.local userlist.txt

Initial Compromise

We can attempt to abuse a feature within Kerberos with an attack method called ASREPRoasting

ASReproasting occurs when a user account has the privilege “Does not require Pre-Authentication” set - This means that the account does not need to provide valid identification before requesting a Kerberos Ticket on the specified user account

$ impacket-GetNPUsers spooky.local/ -no-pass -usersfile users.txt -dc-ip <target ip> 

This returns that the user svc-admin can query a ticket with no password


We can now crack this hash using john or hashcat (18200)


We can now continue our enumeration, listing shares etc

This file had a base64 encrypted string, and boom its a username and password !


Privilege Escalation

Wai whattttt, don't tell me this is the DC's backup account :) - Let's try dumping some secrets with this creds and check tho

impacket-secretsdump -just-dc backup@

We dumped the Administrator's NTLM hash, we can now pass this hash and gain admin privileges !

evil-winrm -i <target ip> -u Administrator -H 0e0363213e37b94221497260b0bcb4fc

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